Program’s Name:

  • In Vietnamese: TOP 10 Doanh nghiệp Công nghệ số xuất sắc Việt Nam 2024
  • In English: Vietnam’s Top 10 Outstanding Digital Technology Companies 2024
  • In Japanese: 2024年度ベトナムデジタルテクノロジー企業トップ10

1. Organizational Unit: Vietnam Softwares and IT Services Association (VINASA)

2. Participants and conditions for participating in the Programs: Details in Appendix 02

3. Register to join the Programs:

  • Companies learn about the program’s regulations and choose the field to register to participate in the program.
  • Voted sectors: Companies choose the sector that are the company’s strengths in the following 28 sectors to make their application to participate. Each company can register in a maximum of 03 sectors.
  • Registration:
  1. Access website: to register and open an account
  2. Fill out documents according to instructions
  3. Submit online application
  4. Add relevant documents:
      • Registration form
      • Copy of Business Registration Certificate
      • Certifications or merits (if any)

4. Programs content:

The Programs include 3 activities:

  • Activity 1: Voted TOP 10 Excellent Digital Technology Enterprises in Vietnam 2024 according to 28 fields
  • Activity 2: Compiled the special publication “Vietnam’s Top 10 Outstanding Digital Technology Companies 2024 in Vietnamese, English and Japanese, print and soft copies on the official website; and
  • Activity 3: Introducing and promoting information about the TOP 10 IT Companies and Vietnam’s IT industry to potential domestic and international partners and customers.
  • Organized the Announcement and Awarding Ceremony of “Vietnam’s Top 10 Outstanding Digital Technology Companies 2024” and launched the publication: “Vietnam’s Top 10 Outstanding Digital Technology Companies 2024”
  • Introducing and promoting publications to over 5,000 large IT application agencies and businesses in the country and customers, 10,000 potential partners in more than 100 countries and territories around the world to create opportunities to connect, cooperate, search for potential partners and customers.

5. Evaluating and voting criteria:

Companies participating in the program will be evaluated and voted according to the following 7 basic groups of criteria:

  1. Financial indicators (capital, revenue, profit…)
  2. Human resources (scale, professional level, human resource growth…)
  3. Products, services, solutions, markets and customers (market structure, market share, market share growth, typical customers, customer care, security and trademark…)
  4. Technological capacity, R&D and management (certificate of technological capacity/technologies in use, ISO, CMMi, R&D activities…)
  5. Leadership and company governance (leadership capacity, vision, strategy, legal compliance, corporate culture…)
  6. Awards, titles and special achievements recognized in production and business activities, activities demonstrating corporate social responsibility (CSR)
  7. Specific evaluation criteria for each area being evaluated (security, technology, infrastructure…)

General assessment criteria will be specified into scoring criteria for each sector. Criteria table for evaluating Companies according to Appendix 03

6. Judging council and selection principles:

  • The Judging Council was established by VINASA, including experts in specialized sectors, representatives of management agencies, press agencies… The Council is responsible for researching and evaluating each application, based on the results of the companies presentations to select the Vietnam’s Top 10 Outstanding Digital Technology Companies 2024 according to 28 specific sectors
  • To ensure objectivity and accuracy, the Judging Council organizes a Presentation Round for companies to present directly or online to the Council
  • At the Presentation Round, the Council scores the companies presentation according to the criteria, evaluation, and scoring table of the program.
  • At the Final Selection Round, the evaluation leader of each Council reports the results of the companies presentation, and the Council decides according to the majority principle. 10 companies with the highest scores are selected according to the principle of selection from high to low according to the sector registered to participate in the application to recognize the TOP 10
  • The TOP 10 list of each sector will have a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 10 businesses

7. Judging process:

  • Registration: Companies learn about the Program’s rules, choose the registration sector (Each business can choose up to 3 participating sectors), program details and instructions for registering to participate at website:
  • Application profile: The Organizing Committee selects applications that are eligible to participate according to the criteria and rules of the program
  • Presentation in-person or online
  • Organize the Final Selection Round to vote and evaluate to select the TOP 10 companies

8. Benefits for selected companies:

  • Certified as Vietnam’s Top 10 Outstanding Digital Technology Companies 2024 in the voted sector
  • To use and commercially exploit the Program’s logo
  • To apply and use the Program’s logo on the interface, packaging and advertising and introductory materials of the company
  • Introduced on the website:
  • Information and brand images about companies are introduced separately in the publication “Vietnam’s Top 10 Outstanding Digital Technology Companies 2024” with three versions: Vietnamese, English and Japanese (each version has 02 pages)
  • Receive 02 publications in Vietnamese, 02 publications in English and 02 publications in Japanese
  • Domestic media: Information for each companies is introduced on the Program’s official website and on VINASA’s fanpage at
  • Information about the publication is introduced and promoted on more than 10 domestic media channels, especially to leading press agencies such as:;;; ; ;;, etc…
  • Branding and marketing according to comapnies needs with special incentive packages specifically for selected businesses
  • The soft copy of the publication is introduced online and can be viewed, downloaded at:
  • Companies in the TOP 10 will be introduced for free on the website; was stamped TOP 10 ICT companies on the business information display for a period of 1 year
  • Companies are promoted, introduced, and supported to connect with over 2,000 agencies and large enterprises applying IT in the country and potential customers and partners in more than 100 countries and territories around the world
  • Priority is given to participating in domestic and international trade promotion programs organized by VINASA
  • Priority invitation to participate in major events of Vietnam’s IT industry organized online and offline by VINASA every year
  • Enjoy cost incentives when participating in trade promotion programs and brand promotion activities organized by VINASA
  • Get a discount when purchasing special publications as marketing materials for businesses

9. Obligations of the selected companies:

  • Comply with the Program Rules and regulations of the Organizing Committee; Cooperate with the Organizing Committee to complete information about companies posted in the publication “Vietnam’s Top 10 Outstanding Digital Technology Companies 2024” in 3 languages: Vietnamese, English, Japanese
  • Contributing funds for editing, printing, publishing and promoting the publication “Vietnam’s Top 10 Outstanding Digital Technology Companies 2024” with 3 versions and general activities of the Program in accordance with commitments when register to participate in the Program
  • Appoint leadership representatives to attend the Announcement and Receiving Ceremony of “Vietnam’s Top 10 Outstanding Digital Technology Companies 2024” Certificate
  • Continuously maintain and develop the reputation of companies while working closely with VINASA in building and protecting the overall reputation of the Program

10. Funding:

  • Funding for program implementation is balanced from sponsorship, advertising and contributions from companies
  • Companies are free to register to participate in the program. After the voting results are decided, the TOP 10 selected businesses in each sector will contribute funds for editing, printing and distributing publications. Contribution funds are specified in the Funding Decision (Funding Decision posted at:

11. Handling violations:

VINASA has the right to remove the name of the company that has been selected in the list of Vietnam’s Top 10 Outstanding Digital Technology Companies 2024 if that business has one of the following violations:

  • Providing false information in the application to participate in the Program
  • There are illegal activities confirmed by the authorities
  • Taking actions that negatively affect the reputation of the Program
  • Violation of Program Rules