• The Judging Council was established by VINASA, including experts in the specialized fields of the program, representatives of management agencies, press agencies… The Council is responsible for researching and evaluating each profile, based on the results of the business’s presentation, will select the TOP 10 Excellent Digital Technology Companies in Vietnam 2024 according to 28 specific sectors.
  • To ensure objectivity and accuracy, the Judging Council organizes a Presentation Round for companies to present directly or online to the Council. At the presentation round, the Council scores the companies’s presentation according to the criteria, evaluation, and scoring table of the
  • At the Final Selection Round, each head judge reports on the presentation results of the candidates, the selection board decides the final result according to the majority. 10 companies according to the principle of selection from high to low according to the field registered to participate in the application to recognize the TOP 10. Companies are selected in the TOP 10 MUST have a minimum score of 7 or higher.
  • The number of selected companies in each category maximum is 10 and minimum is 1.